CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring substance that has been used for a diverse set of reasons. No, CBD does not create a psychoactive effect and there aren’t any occurrences of CBD addiction. Human beings produce cannabinoids naturally and the receptors for these cannabinoids (CB1 and CB2), each deal with various areas of the brain and immune system. CBD is extracted from the Hemp plant, to act as a supplement to these naturally occurring functions.
In December of 2018, Congress passed H.R. 5485. This bill legalizes hemp and removes it as a Schedule I of the Control Substances Act.
The bill ultimately legalized hemp and hemp products on a federal level and as a result, Hemp is no longer considered a harmful crop. This leaves specific regulatory requirements up to the states, which means that each state can choose how to regulate the growth, processing, extraction, and sale of hemp and CBD products. If a state chooses, they can default to the requirements created by the USDA.
CBD products, with the exception of Epidiolex, have not been approved by the FDA. To help guide your decision making process, the team at Elysian Bioscience has provided a list of factors that should be considered, among others, in attempting to find the best products on the market:
The product should have lab results from an accredited laboratory. These lab results will provide the level insight necessary to understand the quality of the CBD being purchased.